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December 1993


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Pam Wilson <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 17 Dec 1993 18:33:00 CDT
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Subject: National Telecommunications Policy
Sender:       Academic Town Hall <[log in to unmask]>
From:         "e-Floyd B. Hanson, UIC 312-413-2142" <[log in to unmask]>
==========ask the VP at [log in to unmask]
From: "Carl Malamud" <[log in to unmask]>
Org: Internet Multicasting Service
Subject: Vice President Al Gore at the National Press Club
On Tuesday, 12/21/93 at 1PM EST, Vice President Al Gore will
be speaking at the National Press Club, making a major speech
on the topic of our National Telecommunications Policy.  You
can listen to the talk live on National Public Radio (call
your local station for more information) or on the Internet
over the Multicast Backbone (go get the file faq.txt from
ISI.EDU for more information about the MBONE).
The National Press Club will be taking questions from the
Internet for the Vice President.  We will also be collecting
your general comments on our National Telecommunications
At the conclusion of the talk, Clayton Boyce, the President
of the National Press Club will present Vice President Gore
with a floppy disk containing the comments and questions
received from the Internet.
If you have a question to ask Vice President Gore or a comment
on our National Telecommunications Policy, send it to:
        [log in to unmask]
BEFORE 12:50 EST on 12/21/93.  You may start sending now.
If you have successfully sent to this address, you will
receive an automatic reply.
Rebroadcast of the National Press Club luncheons is made
possible with support from O'Reilly & Associates, Sun
Microsystems, and UUNET Technologies.  Additional support
is provided by MFS Datanet, Persoft, and our other sponsors.
For more information about the Internet Multicasting Service,
send mail to [log in to unmask]  For background material on
our National Information Infrastructure, point your FTP,
Gopher, or Mosaic software at