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September 1993


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Gregory Mark Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Sep 1993 17:26:00 CDT
text/plain (50 lines)
For those who haven't seen the latest call for submissions from the
_Velvet Light Trap_, I'll pass it along:
_The Velvet Light Trap_ invites authors to submit manuscripts examining issues
in film, television, and video theory, history, and criticism.  The journal
encourages a variety of critical approaches, particularly those that engage
contemporary debates of social, cultural, and institutional history; post-
structuralism; and gender criticism.  While submissions on all topics are
welcome, the journal is particularly interested in essays concerning emergent
popular cinema.
The journal welcomes manuscripts on emergent popular cinemas, either those
which are in their early phases of development or those with already highly
developed cinematic institutions which have recently "emerged" into
critical attention (e.g., Hong Kong films).  Theoretical and industrial papers
could discuss issues such as:  what constitutes the "popular"; the function
of stars, pop music, and action-oriented plots withing popular film; and
the relationship between popular and art cinemas.  Historical studies of
earlier cinemas during their periods of emergence are also welcome.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSIONS:  Submissions should be between 18 and 35 pages
in typescript, including endnotes, printed in letter-quality type.  Follow the
_MLA Style Manual_ for format.  Essays must be double-spaced, including block
quotations and notes, and must include translations for all quotations not
in English.  Photocopies of illustrations are acceptable for initial review, but
authors should be prepared to supply camera-ready photographs on request.  The
author is responsible for acquiring all permissions.  Submissions are welcome
at any time.  However, the deadline for _Velvet Light Trap_ no. 34 is
OCT. 15, 1993.  Please send FIVE copies of all submissions to:
Communication Arts Department
University of Wisconsin
821 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53706
If anyone has any questions, feel free to e-mail me at the address below.
Greg M. Smith
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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