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October 1991


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Hal Thwaites <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 4 Oct 1991 10:22:00 EDT
text/plain (40 lines)
The 3Dmt Research and Information Center in Montreal, Canada would like to
announce the following:
        3Dmt'92 International Conference
                The 1992 International Conference on Three
                Dimensional Media Technology (3Dmt)
                will be held; May 18,19,20, 1992 in Montreal, Canada
                at the Sheraton Center.
                Sessions will include the following topics:
                        3D Film, Video and Television systems;
                        Stereoscopic Computer Graphics and Animation;
                        Virtual Reality
                        Spatial Sound Systems
                        3D Multi-Media Technologies
                        3D Production and Management
                        3D Theory and Research
                For Further information or to submit a paper proposal,
                please contact the 3Dmt Center at the address listed below.
                3Dmt Center
                Concordia University
                7141 sherbrooke Street West
                Montreal, Quebec, Canada   H4B 1R6
                Tel. (514) 848-2539
                Fax  (514) 848-3492
                e-mail  [log in to unmask]
This conference promises to be an exciting event.  Plan to attend early,
since 1992 is the 350th anniversary of the founding of the City of
Montreal.  Many special activities are planned during the week of 3Dmt'92.
                Hal Thwaites, Director
                3Dmt Center, Montreal
We look forward to welcoming you all to Montreal in the Spring of 1992 !