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August 1991


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Kerr Avon <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Aug 1991 15:31:14 TZONE
text/plain (44 lines)
Hi all (hasn't this list been quiet?).
I have a question which I hope some of you can answer for me.
I've been out of University for about a year now and am wondering
where to go from here.  I have been working for a large computer
company since last October and know that it is not the type of
work I want to do in the long term.
This is where I could use your help.  I have always had a hankering
to study in the States, and what I would love to study is Film
and Television/Telecommunications or something similar.  So, my first
question is: What is available along these lines, and where?
Secondly (and perhaps more importantly), I do not have a rich
benefactor so I also need to know what sort of sponsorships,
scholarships, etc, are available for overseas students wishing to
study in the US.
I should have said that my preference would be some kind of post-graduate
course (do you call them graduate courses over there), and that my
degree was B.Sc (Honours) in Mathematical Science from Strathclyde
University (Scotland).  I am a born Scot and my nationality is British.
Any information you can give me will be greatly appreciated.  My e-mail
address is
		[log in to unmask]
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanx in advance,
  Liam C. Cairney     All e-mail to [log in to unmask]
  ====-==-=======-    ===-======-==-=================
  _  _____ ___ ___     ___ _  _ ___ __  _  * 'Smoke me a kipper,
 ( )/ / __) o ) o )   (   ) )( )   \  \( ) *  skipper -- I'll be
 (   ( __)    \   \   ( O ) \/ ) O  )\ \ ) *  back for breakfast.'
 (_)\_\___)_|\_\|\_\  (_^_)\__/\___/_)\__) *         A. J. Rimmer (alt)
                                           *        (RED DWARF IV, BBC2)
       Kerr Avon (aka Liam Cairney).       *****************************