Selmin Kara, Holly Rogers, and I are looking for a few more contributors to
our collection *Cybermedia: Scientists and Humanists Face the Machines*
(under contract with Bloomsbury). We have enough chapters by humanists,
who’ve provided close analyses of shows and films like *Westworld, Black
Mirror, Mr. Robot,** Under the Skin, *and *Random Acts of Flyness*. We’re
looking for several more scientists, or humanists who will co-write with
them, to elucidate the workings of neuroscience, AI, quantum physics,
robotics, and so on in these works. Pieces can be short and draw on
previously published research (1,000-3,000 words - to be placed alongside
the close readings). An interview format is fine. If you’re interested,
please email Carol Vernallis at [log in to unmask]
Holly, Lisa Perrott, and I are also glad to consider book proposals for the
Bloomsbury series we co-edit, *New Approaches to Sound, Music, and Media
Feel free to take a look at the first two books in the series: *Transmedia
Directors: Artistry, Industry, and New Audiovisual Aesthetics
and *Dangerous Mediations: Pop Music in a Philippine Prison Video
And we’d all like to invite you to post through Flow Journal
<> about
Best wishes,
Carol, Holly, Lisa, and Selmin
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