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Ex-Centric Migrations
Europe and the Maghreb in Mediterranean Cinema, Literature, and Music
Hakim Abderrezak
"Hakim Abderrezak convincingly illustrates how politically committed artistic practices serve to humanize the challenges of human migration, and in the process dramatically improves our understanding of the complex cultural, economic, political, and social realities that shape 21st-century existence." - Dominic Thomas, author of Africa and France: Postcolonial Cultures, Migration, and Racism
Ex-Centric Migrations examines cinematic, literary, and musical representations of migrants and migratory trends in the western Mediterranean. Focusing primarily on clandestine sea-crossings, Hakim Abderrezak shows that despite labor and linguistic ties with the colonizer, migrants from the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia) no longer systematically target France as a destination, but instead aspire toward other European countries, notably Spain and Italy. In addition, the author investigates other migratory patterns that entail the repatriation of émigrés. His analysis reveals that the films, novels, and songs of Mediterranean artists run contrary to mass media coverage and conservative political discourse, bringing a nuanced vision and expert analysis to the sensationalism and biased reportage of such events as the Mediterranean maritime tragedies.
Hakim Abderrezak is Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies at the University of Minnesota.
Indiana University Press
June 2016 284pp 4 maps, 17 b&w illus. 9780253020758 PB £25.99 now only £20.79* when you quote CSL616EXCM when you order
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