Dear colleagues,
I write with a couple of items of news hopefully of interest to those following developments in the emerging field of videographic film and moving image studies. First of all, as some of you may already know, the latest issue of [in]Transition (1.3, 2014) is online here: A collaboration between MediaCommons and the Society for Cinema and Media Studies’ official publication, Cinema Journal, [in]Transition is the first peer-reviewed academic periodical specifically given over to videographic film and moving image studies. Issue 1.3 is devoted to reflections on the practice and theory of the audiovisual essay form, with particular reference to its emerging procedures and uses in film and moving image criticism and research. It contains entries by Adrian Martin, Cristina Álvarez López, Ian Garwood, Miklós Kiss and I.
You may also like to visit the companion website<> to this issue (published by REFRAME<>), created to house further reflections on the matters it raises (including by the above named contributors), as well as papers and the screening program from the conference held on The Audiovisual Essay: Practice and Theory at the Frankfurt Filmmuseum in conjunction with Goethe University last fall (organised by Cristina Álvarez and Adrian Martin):
We are also delighted to announce, also, that [in]Transition is now accepting submissions of videographic work for peer-reviewed publication in subsequent issues, beginning with issue 2.1 (2015). You can find out further information about the submission process by clicking on the main Contribute tab at any of the journal pages, as well as (directly) here:
Finally, a reminder that, as per the email below, until December 1, 2014, [in]Transition project manager Jason Mittell and co-editor Christian Keathley will be accepting applications for their National Endowment for the Humanities funded, two week workshop at Middlebury College next June titled "Scholarship in Sound and Image: A Workshop on Videographic Criticism". You can find out more about this excellent event here:
Best wishes
Catherine Grant
Editor, [in]Transition 1.3, September 2014
Dr Catherine Grant<>
Senior Lecturer in Film Studies
School of Media, Film and Music
University of Sussex
Silverstone Building
Falmer BN1 9RG
E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
T: +44 1273 678876
Co-editor: [in]Transition<>: Journal of Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies - a Cinema Journal<>/MediaCommons<> Project
Editor: Film Studies For Free<>
Guest Editor: Frames, Issue 1, July 2012: Film and Moving Image Studies Re-Born Digital?<>
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