1. Studies in French Cinema: SECOND CALL/DEUXIEME APPEL (30 Sept)
2. Film Matters (Undergraduate film magazine, Wilmington)
1. Studies in French Cinema: SECOND CALL/DEUXIEME APPEL (30 Sept)
IRCAV, Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle
SFC Tenth Anniversary Conference/ 10^ème Colloque de la SFC
26-27 mars 2010
Institut National pour l’Histoire de l’Art
2 rue Vivienne
75002 Paris
Appel à communication
Pour célébrer son dixième anniversaire, l’association /Studies in French
Cinema/ organise son colloque à Paris, en association avec l’IRCAV,
Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, les 26 et 27 mars 2010. Afin de
rassembler les chercheurs des mondes anglophones et francophones qui
travaillent sur le cinéma français, les communications se feront en
anglais ou en français.
Ce colloque, « Auteurs, genres, stars : spécificités françaises »,
recoupe les thèmes de prédilection de /Studies in French Cinema/ et
invite à croiser les réflexions sur ces trois notions (auteur, genre,
star) dans un contexte français, ainsi qu’à y interroger leur
productivité. On attendra plus particulièrement :
· des contributions sur les statuts, définitions et rôles des auteurs,
genres, stars dans le cinéma français. Approches théoriques, historiques
ou économiques ; études de corpus ou de cas ;
· des contributions, théoriques, historiques ou des études de cas qui
montrent comment s'articulent ou se sont articulés auteurs, genres et/ou
stars dans les contextes de production du cinéma français, ainsi que
dans sa réception, locale, nationale ou internationale.
Conférenciers pressentis : Susan Hayward (Professeure à l’université
d’Exeter et fondatrice de /Studies in French Cinema/), Michel Marie
(Professeur à l’Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle), Phil Powrie
(Professeur à l’université de Sheffield), Geneviève Sellier (Professeure
à l’Université de Caen et membre de l’Institut Universitaire de France).
Toutes les interventions auront lieu en séance plénière, et leur durée
sera de 20 minutes.
Les propositions de communication (200 mots) sont à adresser *avant le
30 septembre 2009* aux deux adresses suivantes :
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Comité d’organisation : Laurent Creton (IRCAV, Université Paris 3),
Raphaëlle Moine (IRCAV, Université Paris 3), Susan Hayward (Dept of Film
Studies, University of Exeter), Sarah Leahy (School of Modern Languages,
Newcastle University, UK).
IRCAV, Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle
SFC Tenth Anniversary Conference/ 10^ème Colloque de la SFC
26-27 March 2010
Institut National pour l’Histoire de l’Art
2 rue Vivienne
75002 Paris
Call for papers
The tenth anniversary of Studies in French Cinema will be celebrated
with a conference in Paris, organised in association with IRCAV,
University of Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, to be held on 26 and 27 March
2010 at the Institut National pour l’Histoire de l’Art. In order to
bring together anglophone and francophone researchers working on French
cinema, papers are welcome in French or in English.
The conference title --‘Auteurs, genres, stars : French specificities’--
reflects the preferred themes of the /Studies in French/ /Cinema/
journal. We invite contributors to reflect on the three concepts
(auteur, genre, star) in the French context, as well as to question
their usefulness. More particularly we would welcome :
· contributions on the status, definition and role of auteurs, genres
and stars in French cinema, adopting theoretical, historical or economic
approaches, or offering overviews or case studies.
· Theoretical, historical contributions or case studies which show how
auteurs, genres and/or stars articulate or are articulated within French
contexts of production and reception (local, national or international).
Invited speakers : Susan Hayward (Professor at the University of Exeter
and founding editor of /Studies in French Cinema/), Michel Marie
(Professor at the University of Paris 3, Sorbonne Nouvelle), Phil Powrie
(Professor at the University of Sheffield, editor of /Studies in French
Cinema/), Geneviève Sellier (Professor at the University of Caen and
member of the Institut Universitaire de France)
All papers will be delivered in plenary session and they should last no
more than 20 minutes.
Proposals for papers (of 200 words) should be sent *no later than 30
September 2009* to the two email addresses below :
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Organising committee : Laurent Creton (IRCAV, Université Paris 3),
Raphaëlle Moine (IRCAV, Université Paris 3), Susan Hayward (Dept of Film
Studies, University of Exeter), Sarah Leahy (School of Modern Languages,
Newcastle University, UK).
2. Film Matters (Undergraduate film magazine, Wilmington)
Film Matters, a new magazine published by Intellect in partnership with
the Department of Film Studies at the University of North Carolina
Wilmington, seeks papers written by undergraduate film scholars for its
inaugural issue. This call is open to any undergraduate student,
currently enrolled at an institution of higher learning worldwide and
working towards a bachelor’s degree in any field. Any original piece of
written scholarship, involving film criticism, history, or theory will
be considered for publication.
About the magazine
Film Matters is an exciting new film magazine, celebrating the work of
undergraduate film scholars. Published twice a year, each issue will
contain feature articles, as well as a healthy review section. In
addition, with an undergraduate audience in mind, Film Matters will
include occasional service-oriented pieces, such as: profiles of film
studies departments, articles that engage the undergraduate film studies
community and prepare students for graduate study in this field, and
resources and opportunities that undergraduate scholars can pursue. In
an effort to give undergraduate scholars real-world, applied learning
experiences, all Film Matters feature submissions will undergo a peer
review process.
Call for submissions
Submissions should be written in English and formatted either in MLA or
Chicago style. The target word count for pieces should be no more than
5,000. After a prescreening, submissions will undergo a peer review
process, typical of scholarly journals. Referee comments will be
returned to those authors who progress beyond the prescreening process.
Authors of accepted papers will be expected to work closely with the FM
editorial board to revise their pieces prior to publication. Please
include a cover sheet, which includes the author’s name, title of essay,
institutional affiliation, and contact information (particularly email
address); all other identifying information should be removed from the
body of the text, in order to aid the blind peer review process.
Please email submissions as Microsoft Word email attachments to Liza
Palmer ( [log in to unmask]) . Submissions should be received by
September 1, 2009. Questions should be referred to Liza Palmer.
[log in to unmask] / www.intellectbooks.com /
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: http://www.tcf.ua.edu