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February 2009, Week 3


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Adam Fish <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Feb 2009 20:10:43 -0800
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
February 18, 2009

Dear Scholars,

Please consider submitting an abstract for consideration in the
proposed panel, Media-Producing Anthropologists, at the American
Anthropological Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, December 3-7, 2009. Participants should be prepared to
screen and critique their own nonfiction visual production. Please
send abstracts to Adam Fish at [log in to unmask], before March 20,
2009 with the subject heading: AAA 2009 Panel.

For more information on the conference please visit

Thank you,

Adam Fish
University of California, Los Angeles
Current TV, VC2 Producer

Media-Producing Anthropologists

Adam Fish, Chair/Organizer
American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 3-7, 2009

Following the conference theme, the End/s of Anthropology, this panel
investigates a post-textual, pro-visual anthropology. What new visual
languages exist in the digital present? How does anthropological media
production exist as an effective representational strategy in an age
of amateur "democratized" media production and the hybridization of
nonfiction genres? This panel explores emergent modes of
anthropological visual media production. Panelists are media producing
anthropologists who reflexively decompress the problems of field
producing, editing, and exhibiting anthropologically illustrative
media. Our subjects are the possibilities and limitations inherent in
the use of video cameras, editing technologies, information
architectures, or narrative structures. We discuss the mechanics and
experience of media production and the architectonics that dominate
the construction of visual actualities. Recently completed or
in-development work are showcased to illustrate new methods of visual
media production in anthropology. Presentations will be highly
visible. Each panelist will criticize at least one of his or her
recorded and edited clips. As anthropological media advances astride
technological elaborations new audiences emerge and traditional
audiences change. Panelists are encouraged to connect their production
and editing choices to the modulating political economy of media
anthropology within academia and beyond.

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