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December 2008, Week 3


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Melis Behlil <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Dec 2008 13:36:07 +0200
text/plain (150 lines)
(I'm posting this on behalf of a colleague - apologies for cross-postings)

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce an upcoming international conference on
Conflict, Terrorism and Society, to be held at Kadir Has University on
April 28 - April 30, 2009. The keynote speakers of the conference are
famous terrorism experts Yonah Alexander and Brian Jenkins.

The Organising Committee cordially invites you to submit papers and
posters. Please visit the Call for Papers web page for submission

Below are a copy of the Call for Papers and information regarding the
conference. For more information on the program, registration,
conference venue, transportation and accomodation, please visit the

More details on the conference, including keynote speakers, will be
posted as arrangements are finalized.

On behalf of the conference organising committee, we look forward to
your participation in this conference.

Conference Name: "Societies Under Siege:  Media, Government, Politics
and Citizens' Freedoms in an Age of Terrorism"

Place: Kadir Has University, Istanbul, TURKEY

Date: April 28, 2009 – April 30, 2009.

Language of Papers: English.

Conference website:

Contact: [log in to unmask]

Call for Papers:

For many years, terrorism has been  a hot button issue that has
preoccupied academics, media professionals and citizens throughout the
world. Terrorism itself is a contested concept and different
societies/nations/groups have had divergent experiences with
terrorism. Until the catastrophic events of 9/11 and the consequences
set into motion for the world, United States' experience with
international terrorism was limited. Reactions to those events,
through passage of laws, vigorous police measures, and military
initiatives have placed the United States on a continuous war footing.
 The new measures adopted both in US and worldwide put restraints on
freedoms, such as freedom of expression and of the press, that
Americans themselves cherished and exported to other nations.

Unlike the recent US experience, Turkey has long suffered from
terrorism and its legal, moral and social consequences. The current
escalation and spread of international terrorism also threatens other
nations with a long history of peace and liberty. Research on the
experiences of different nations is expected to better understand
aspects of terrorism.

The conference will explore ongoing problems and challenges involving
conceptualization of terrorism and its representation in the media on
the one hand and ongoing social, political and governmental responses
to terrorism on the other.

We are inviting scholars and public figures interested in mass
communications and media studies, law and policy, history, political
science, psychology, sociology and education to submit a 500-word
maximum proposal on terrorism, conflict and society. Theoretical or
empirical issues to be discussed include but are not limited to the

·    Cross-cultural differences/similarities in media discourses
related to the concept of "terrorism."

·    Patterns in terrorism in self-governing nations.

·    Government response to terrorism and freedom of the press

·    Law, law enforcement and citizens' rights.

·    Media coverage of terrorism, of government responses, and  media

·    Psychological and sociological impacts of terrorism.

·    Educational responses in an age of terrorism.

Submit a 500 word maximum proposal or paper to:

Banu Baybars-Hawks

Associate Professor of Communication Studies

School of Communications, Kadir Has University, Istanbul-TURKEY

[log in to unmask] or,
[log in to unmask]

Proposals should be submitted in the following order:

Name of the author(s)

Telephone, fax, and e-mail address


Title of proposal

Body of proposal

You will be notified by January 30, 2009 regarding the status of your proposal.


For further information about the conference, contact:
Dr. Banu Baybars-Hawks ([log in to unmask])

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