1. Conference
2. Journal
1. Conference: Anglo-French cinematic relations since 1930
With apologies for cross-posting, please allow us to draw your attention to the following reminder for the forthcoming conference on Anglo-French Cinematic Relations, 1930-present to be held at the University of Southampon, 14-16 September. Please forward to any students / colleagues you feel that it might be of interest to.
Anglo-French cinematic relations since 1930
An International conference hosted by Film Studies, University of Southampton, and supported by the AHRC September 14-16 2007
Despite the close geographical, political and cultural links between France and Britain, the dynamics of Anglo-French cinematic relations remain critically understudied. While numerous Anglophone studies have been written on French film - and indeed Francophone studies on British film - rarely do these works account for the dialectical interplay between the two at the levels of production, distribution, exhibition and reception. In order to redress this balance, this conference is aimed at an examination of the two-way flow of cinematic traffic between France and Britain from 1930 to the present day, filling significant gaps in our knowledge of British and French film and film personnel in transit, and what this reveals about the respective cultures. The conference will hopefully also have implications for the study of Anglo-French relations more generally, and the study of European cinema as a whole, as it moves away from the Hollywood / Europe axis which has dominated studies of cross-cultural traffic, replacing it with an engagement with inter-European exchange.
The event will run in conjunction with a special exhibition, 'French Cinema in Britain, 1930-present' and a series of screenings, to take place at the Harbour Lights Cinema <http://www.picturehouses.co.uk/cinema_home_date.aspx?venueId=hlsh> , Southampton.
Keynote addresses will be given by:
* Sarah Street <http://www.bris.ac.uk/colonialstudies/people/personal/sstreet.html>
* Robert Tombs <http://www.hist.cam.ac.uk/academic_staff/further_details/tombs.html>
* Ginette Vincendeau <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/schools/humanities/film/staff/vincendeau.html>
Registration now open
Download: conference registration form <http://www.film.soton.ac.uk/francebritain/registration_form.doc> (Word doc, 44Kb)
Download: conference programme <http://www.film.soton.ac.uk/francebritain/prog.doc> (Word doc, 82Kb)
Please return registration forms with payment to Catherine Wheatley, Film Studies, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ.
Email [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> with any queries.
2. Journal
Nouveau numéro !
New Issue !
Cinélekta 6
Recherches actuelles en études cinématographiques
Vol. 17, nº1 (numéro simple)
Présenté par François Jost
Pour vous abonner ou commander le numéro, remplissez le Bon de commande <http://www.revue-cinemas.umontreal.ca/abonnement.htm> et retournez-le par la poste.
To subscribe or to order this issue, fill out the Order Form <http://www.revue-cinemas.umontreal.ca/abonnement.htm> and mail it to us.
Revue CiNéMAS
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec)
H3C 3J7 Canada
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Numéros en préparation
* La théorie du cinéma, enfin en crise, sous la responsabilité de Roger Odin.
* Cinéma et mémoire des deux Allemagnes, sous la responsabilité de Philippe Despoix.
* Le road movie interculturel, sous la responsabilité de Walter Moser.
* Expérimentation, réception, adaptation, sous la responsabilité de Serge Cardinal.
* Faut-il réhabiliter la filmologie ?, sous la responsabilité de François Albera & Martin Lefebvre.
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: http://www.tcf.ua.edu