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August 2005, Week 5


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Dan Leopard <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 31 Aug 2005 14:55:52 -0700
text/plain (142 lines)
Call for Papers (Please circulate widely)

Ephemeral Cinema, Invisible Media: Sound and Image at the Edge of 
Spectator, Volume 26, No. 2 (Spring 2006)

This issue of Spectator will explore media that hover at the 
intersection of the fleeting and the disposable. We are soliciting 
articles, essays, interviews, ethnographies (textual and visual), and 
short reviews that examine from historical, political, economic, and 
cultural perspectives trash and exploitation cinema, youth and minority 
media production, art film and video, ultra low budget production, 
ambient media and other production forms that are for the most part 
ignored or excluded from the ecology of mainstream and academic media 
discourse. In short, this issue will focus on media that are either 
rendered invisible by virtue of their difference from Hollywood movies 
and network-cable television or are momentarily seen by viewers and 
then for the most part forgotten.

Furthermore many of these discarded cultural forms have been recently 
“discovered” or rediscovered by scholars and critics and are now moving 
toward institutional consecration. How these media respond to this 
increasing legitimization and the implication this has for dominant 
media forms is also open for examination.

Of course, there is a considerable amount of writing over the past two 
hundred years that has celebrated the discarded and the degraded as a 
shadow to that which is considered ennobled or transcendent. It has 
been pointed out by commentators, Foucault and Derrida most famously, 
that this shadow is intrinsically linked to the success of that which 
dominates. This discourse of shadow and light – at issue a politics of 
absence and presence – will serve as a point of departure from which to 
acknowledge and analyze media that are either ignored for reasons of 
aesthetic elitism and “good taste” or for reasons of invisibility due 
to ubiquity. In addition, many of these shadow media forms have 
constituent groups – fans, bank managers, teenagers – that consume and 
produce them and these specific cultural groupings may be explored as 

Manuscripts submitted for consideration should look toward 
understanding why some media forms strike the eye and why some merely 
glance aside.

Deadline for Submission: December 1, 2005

Spectator is a biannual publication of the Division of Critical Studies 
at the School of Cinema-Television, University of Southern California. 
Manuscripts that address the above topic are now invited for 

Topics may include, but are not limited to, any of the following:

Histories of the Ephemeral and the Invisible
Ethnographies of the Ephemeral and the Invisible
Cultures of Trash, Camp, Cult, and Exploitation
Auteurs of the Ephemeral (Derek Jarman, Andy Warhol, Doris Wishman and 
many others)
Trash Genres
Snapshots and Memory
Home Movies & Baby Pictures
Comic Books and Strips (Smiling Jack, Brenda Starr, Blackhawk, Sugar 
and Spice, etc.)
Public Screens: Bank Machines, Sports Bars, Information Kiosks
Ambient Sound and Image
Recycled Media
Indigenous Media
Community and Public Access Television
Movies by Kids, Tots, and Teens
Napkin Doodles
Lost Websites, Movies, and TV
Misremembered Media
Scratched 78rpm Records
Answering Machine Messages

Manuscripts to be considered for publication should be sent to:
Dan Leopard, Editor
1222 Hi Point Street
Los Angeles, CA 90035-2612
Attn:  Spectator Submission
[log in to unmask]

One hard copy manuscript should be submitted as well as a copy on disk. 
Submissions can also be e-mailed directly. Manuscripts should include 
the title of the contribution and the name of the author (or authors), 
as well as the postal address, e-mail address, and phone numbers for 
the author who will work with the editor on any revisions. All pages 
should be numbered consecutively. Contributions should be no more than 
5,000 words in length. Submissions should also include an abstract and 
a brief biographic description of the author. Rejected manuscripts will 
not be returned.

Articles submitted to Spectator should not be under consideration by 
any other journal.

Reviews are welcome and may vary in length from 300 to 1,000 words. For 
book reviews, please include the full title of the book, retail price, 
and ISBN at the beginning of the review. For media reviews, please 
include full title, creative credits, and release date at the beginning 
of the review.

Electronic Submissions and Formatting. Authors should send copies of 
their work via e-mail as electronic attachments. Please keep backup 
files of all materials. Files should be in Microsoft Word formatted for 
PC or Mac depending on the author's preference. Endnotes should conform 
to the Chicago Manual of Style.

Upon acceptance, a format guideline will be forwarded to all 
contributors as to image and text requirements.

Current Board for Spectator

Founding Editor
	Marsha Kinder
Managing Editor
	William Whittington
Issue Editor
	Dan Leopard

Subscription Information
Individual issues cost $10.00. Institutional rate for US and Canada is 
$30.00 USD. All others $40.00 USD. Please contact the subscription 
editor for bulk discounts. To order a subscription, please send $15.00* 
for the current volume year to:

University of Southern California
School of Cinema-Television
Division of Critical Studies
Lucas Building, Room 405
Los Angeles, CA  90089-2211
Attn: Spectator Subscription
Tel: (213) 740-3334
Fax: (213) 740-9471

*If you subscribe now, you will receive one back issue free (based on 
availability).  For additional back issues, contact subscription 
manager and include $12.00 per issue.

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