Re: 16mm Course
Sun, 24 Mar 91 17:59:00 EST
I am a film student at Ithaca college (in upstate NY) and have taken a
number of film courses. All of our work is done in 16mm, so I don't
know of any potential differences between 16mm and super8. For our
technical class, we used the text "The Film maker's Handbook". I can't
remember who wrote it, but it is very good. It deals mostly with the
production of films. Just about everything in the book covers 16mm and
35mm production. It includes pre-production, shhooting, lighhting,
processing, editing, and all thhe steps in between. One of the most
important thhings (at least from the student's point of view) is that it
is realitivly inexpensive. Hope that this helped a little.