The Third Man (1949) immediately lept to mind as an "almost ghost".
On a more humorous note, and outside of the 40s, is Alan Rudolph's The
Moderns. The faux death of the gossip writer Oiseau [bird in french], who
stages his own demise as a way to escape the ex-pat scene in its own death
throes. He hides in the trees watching his funeral at Père Lachaise. More in
the category of plain old "phony ghost".
on 4/20/03 9:06 AM, [log in to unmask] at [log in to unmask]
> "Miller, James Andrew (UMC-Student)" wrote:
>> I'm looking at a lot of ghost movies from the 1940s (Ghost and Mrs Muir,
>> Portrait of Jennie, A Guy Named Joe) and began to notice that there seem to
>> be quite a few of what I might call "almost ghost" or "pseudo ghost" films in
>> the period.
>> Examples:
>> The Ghost Breakers (1941): the ghost turns out to be a scam...
>> Laura
>> The Lost Moment (1947): adaptation of James' "The Aspern Papers"-- Miss Tina
>> isn't literally a ghost but has almost made herself one by sheer force of
>> will...
> That last entry interests me. The notion of 'sheer force of will' informs
> Poe's 'Ligeia' which thrice quotes a passage from Joseph Glanvill (1636-80) in
> support. (Schopenhauer and Nietzsche were later comers!) It may also be
> found in the
> novel by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac, 'D'entre les morts' (c. 1955),
> the basis of Hitchcock's VERTIGO (1958).
> Hitchcock's REBECCA (1940) may just about meet your description of 'almost
> ghost' films, inasmuch that the dead Rebecca 'haunts' the mansion called
> Manderlay and exerts her pernicious influence through the living, notably the
> sinister Mrs
> Danvers.
> REBECCA was of course an influence on that fine ghost film, Lewis Allen's THE
> UNINVITED (1944).
> Re the foregoing, you may want to look at the entries on REBECCA, LIFEBOAT,
> and VERTIGO in my 'The Alfred Hitchcock Story' (1999) - the uncut,
> non-simplified UK edition.
> - Ken Mogg (Ed., 'The MacGuffin').
> Website:
> ----
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