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August 2002, Week 4


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Ian Grey <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 12:56:39 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)
She's the only Nazi who's thus far been visually quoted by George Lucas
(Star Wars).

> Why does Riefenstahl continue to receive so much critical and
> historiographical attention when there are many other Nazi directors
> who did a lot more damage?  I think most people would conclude that
> Riefenstahl was quite a nasty Nazi, but there were some far nastier
> ones: anniversaries relating to (for example) Veit Harlan, Fritz
> Hippler, Wolfgang Leibeneiner and Karl Ritter do not attract any
> comment, though the films these people were responsible for did far
> more damage than any of Riefenstahl's.
> Some possible reasons:
> 1.  She's still alive.
> 2.  She's a woman.
> 3.  She had close relationships with a number of senior Nazis, and is
> alleged to have had an affair with Hitler (as Robert Harris commented
> in his book on the Hitler diaries fiasco, 'swastikas sell').
> 4.  'Triumph des Willens' and 'Olympische Spiele' were shown in Western
> Europe and the US at the time of their initial release, but many of the
> most notorious Nazi fiction films weren't 'discovered' until after the
> war. 5.  She continues to take an active interest in the exploitation
> of her films from the Nazi period, and aggressively pursues legal
> action against her detractors whenever she can.
> Responses?
> Leo.
> Dr. Leo Enticknap
> Director, Northern Region Film and Television Archive
> School of Arts and Media
> University of Teesside
> Middlesbrough  TS1 3BA
> United Kingdom
> Tel. +44-(0)1642 384022
> Fax. +44-(0)1642 384099
> Brainfryer: +44-(0)7710 417383
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