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December 2001, Week 2


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Tara McPherson <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 11:02:19 -0800
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MIT  Comparative Media Studies


Media in Transition: globalization and convergence, an international

conference date:        10-12 May 2002
abstract deadline:      1 January 2002

Terms such as “globalization” and “convergence” increasingly dominate
discussions of our media environment, yet their meanings remain
vague and context specific. Many factors make it difficult to make broad
statements about these trends: The uneven flow of cultural products
across national borders, the still nascent nature of the new media
environment, unpredictable patterns of use and meaning among media
consumers, diverse national histories of cultural exchange or isolation,
an unstable business climate which alternately encourages and
discourages innovation and entrepreneurship.

Many core issues remain to be explored: Will globalization reduce or
expand the world's cultural diversity? Will new technologies empower
international media makers to enter the American marketplace or leave
them more exposed than ever before to U.S. cultural exports? How do
we reconcile the competing forces of media convergence and media
fragmentation that are shaping the current communications
infrastructure?  What patterns can we discern among convergent content
and audiences across media forms and international borders? What
are the implications of media convergence not only at the corporate
level, but also at the grassroots level where users are in control of
context, and flow?

Two years ago, MIT hosted the first Media in Transition conference,
bringing together an international array of scholars from many different

disciplines to examine the process and consequences of media change.
This year, we invite you back to MIT for the second Media in
Transition conference. As in the first conference, we encourage
reflection across disciplinary boundaries, and among theorists and
practitioners -- a citizenly discourse makes core ideas accessible to a
broad public.

Focusing especially on North American, European and Asian experiences,
the conference will provide a platform for a historically and culturally

comparative analysis of our media past, present and future.As in the
first Media in Transition conference, presentations and multi-media
demonstrations will be framed by plenary “conversations” in which
distinguished panelists will speak briefly and then participate in
dialogue with the audience.

We solicit papers on all aspects of media in transition, including:

changing peripheries and centers
world music-- world media
news and information in the digital age
the internet, policy and popular culture
transnational political activism
cultural disorder: regional censorship and trans-national media
unofficial cultures, cultures of resistance
cultural authority/autonomy/markets
historical precedents/precursors
global media flows, local media meanings
intellectual property: constructions, enforcements, implications
cyber citizenry and the global public sphere
digital culture: language and infrastructure
convergence and fragmentation
public service vs the marketplace: traditions, histories and futures
building a global base for local media production
global fusion and hybridity
"The Third Culture" -- identity in an age of dislocation
the globalization of the media audience
re-examining "the global village"
the transformation of television
narrative forms and cultural change

Abstracts and short biographical statements should be sent no later than
1 January 2002 to:
R. J. Bain
Comparative Media Studies
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139

email: [log in to unmask]

The conference will be held at MIT from 10-12 May 2002..

Please visit the web site from the previous Media in Transition

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