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June 2001, Week 2


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sandy Camargo <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 15:37:21 -0500
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
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I did check the DGA website and its directory is still a coming attraction.
The printed version of the directory would be useful, but my library does
not seem to own one. The director whom I would like to contact is John
Badham; an agency contact address would certainly be a useful place to
start. So, if Professor Lafferty or anyone else has access to the printed
DGA directory and would be willing to look up John Badham's address for me,
I'd be grateful.

>On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Sandy Camargo wrote:
>> Does anyone know of good web-based or print directories where one can look
>> up contact addresses for directors and actors?
>        The Directors Guild of America is in the process of putting online
>at its directory (which has been published annually for
>years);  its website also has links to individual directors' webpages.
>Generally, the printed version of the directory gives the director's
>agency as the contact, and occasionally (should he or she have one) a
>production company.  In the past, my students and I have been successful
>in using these contacts to communicate personally with the director
>(Savage Steve Holland and Jim Jarmusch [there's a pair!] most recently,
>both through their production companies).
>        The Screen Actors Guild website ( has a member
>directory, but it is accessible only by SAG members.  AFTRA offers no
>directory, but will give you the actor's agent by emailing [log in to unmask]
>                         William Lafferty, PhD
>                          Associate Professor
>Department of Theatre Arts                      [log in to unmask]
>Wright State University                     office:  (937) 775-4581 or 3072
>Dayton, Ohio  45435-0001 USA                     facsimile:  (937) 775-3787
>        I have been in the scholastic profession long enough to know
>        that nobody  enters it  unless he has  some very good reason
>        which he is anxious to conceal.
>                                --- Augustus Fagin, Esq., PhD, in
>                                    Evelyn Waugh's *Decline and Fall*
>               Visit *Lake Michigan Maritime Marginalia*  at
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Sandy Camargo
Visiting Instructor
Department of English
University of Missouri

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