Working Title:
Advertising/Women/Representation: Extending Beyond Familiar Paradigms
(Part of a series on Women & Communication, to be published by Hampton Press)
Editors: Marjan de Bruin, Anita Nowak and Sue Abel
This book aims to fuse together a collection of essays that analyse and theorise the intersection of women and advertising from a critical feminist perspective. The editors are particularly keen, but not exclusively so, to encourage essays that discuss alternative media, or use innovative research methods, as well as research that is cross-cultural, thus extending beyond the 'West', and considers underrepresented groups of women. Both micro and macro level analyses are welcome, as are contributions that discuss reception and reading strategies from new angles, especially those that are in line with resilience-building."
The book will target undergraduate students across a wide range of disciplines such as Mass Communications, Marketing & Advertising, Media Studies, Cultural Studies, Feminist and Gender Studies.
Proposals or completed manuscripts addressing one or more of the following topics are invited:
a.. women, advertising and new media
b.. women in the advertising industry
c.. research which argues for and/or incorporates the three strands of communication - production, text and audience - as a synergistic process
d.. women and advertising from a global perspective
e.. women and advertising in developing nations
f.. lesbian women and advertising
g.. underrepresented groups of women and advertising
h.. new research methods to study women and advertising
i.. new theoretical positions on women and advertising
j.. strategies for resistance and resiliency
k.. the efficacy of media education in empowering girls and women
Proposals or manuscripts can be sent to either of the following addresses. The firm deadline for submissions is July 15th, 2001.
Sue Abel
34 Lorong J Telok Kurau
Singapore 425815
Email: [log in to unmask]
Anita Nowak
4546 Anderson
Pierrefonds, Quebec
Canada, H9A 2W7
Email: [log in to unmask]
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