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December 2000, Week 1


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tom Benson <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 09:11:59 -0500
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
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CFP: The Review of Communication
Call for manuscripts and book reviewers

The Review of Communication is a new, on-line, refereed journal of the
National Communication Association. We plan to publish

-- Book reviews
-- Essay reviews
-- Reviews of literature in all fields of communication
-- Research essays on knowledge production and publication in communication

Our aim is to produce a high quality refereed journal that is accessible,
diverse, comprehensive, and authoritative.

The Review of Communication reviews books in all fields of human
communication, including scholarly books and some textbooks and appropriate
trade books. We are currently commissioning book reviews. A list of books
for which we are seeking reviewers may be found at the journal's web site.
Many of these are books on film and television, of potential interest to
SCREEN-L readers. We are looking for reviewers who have earned PhD degrees
or are advanced doctoral students. Prospective authors of reviews of
literature and research essays are invited to contact the editor with brief
proposals. We plan to publish our first issue early in 2001 and we are now
reviewing manuscripts.

The journal makes use of the Rapid Review on-line peer review system
developed by Cadmus Corporation--the same company that prints the NCA paper

For more information on the journal, its policies, and editorial board,
please visit the journal's editorial web site, which is linked to the
editor's home page at

Tom Benson
Editor, The Review of Communication
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Tom Benson
Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Rhetoric
Department of Speech Communication
Penn State University
227 Sparks Building
University Park, PA 16802
phone:814-238-5277 (home); 814-865-4201 (office)
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