Recent entries in the "Editor's Day" feature on the News &
Comment (Home) Page of the Hitchcock Scholars/'MacGuffin' website
include: (1) why the German film VARIETY (1925) may be the single most
influential film on H; (2) what H told his daughter; (3) a note on the
actress Betty Compson; (4) H's opinion of Orson Welles; (5) about the
actor and drama teacher Michael Chekov (SPELLBOUND); (6) PSYCHO and
films noirs, including Ulmer's DETOUR (1945); (7) the three best recent
essays on PSYCHO; and (8) how H often tapped into experiences and
sensations that are 'beyond' words and theory.
Thanks for your time in reading this! Also, apologies for some
- Ken Mogg (Ed., 'The MacGuffin').
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