SPEAKING TOUR: Challenging Media
Mon, 13 May 91 17:26:02 CDT
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Reply-To: Harel Barzilai <[log in to unmask]>
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From: Harel Barzilai <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: SPEAKING TOUR: Challenging Media Bias (PeaceNet, udc.media FWD)
To: Steven Alan Carr <[log in to unmask]>
Topic 306 Speaking Tour on Media Bias & Activ
fair udc.media 2:38 pm Mar 23, 1991
Speaking Tour on Challenging Media Bias
Norman Solomon, co-author of "Unreliable Sources: A Guide to
Detecting Bias in News Media" (reviewed in current issue of Z
Magazine), will be speaking on manipulation of mass media by the
federal government and corporate America. Workshops for media
activism also available.
Anticipated time frame for speaking to campus and community groups is
April 29 through the end of May. Primary area for the tour will be
the Mid-West, but elsewhere in the country is possible. For further
information, call Kim Deterline at (415) 788-0477.