Message from Dana Polan, forwarded by Jeremy Butler.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
"I am forwarding to members of this bulletin board the following announcement
from Helene Cixous in which she asks for letters of support for her Center for
Research in Women's Studies. This program, the only one of its kind in France,
risks being shut down by the French ministry of education which has declared
that the concerns of such a program are lacking a 'real scientific content'! If
you would like to write on behalf of the Center--and for the possibility of
women's studies in France, more generally--there are two form letters you can
use as models for your own letter (to be FAXed to Helene Cixous)
By the way, if users of this bulletin board know of other b-boards this
announcement should go to, please let me know.
Dana Polan
'Centre de Recherches en Etudes Feminines
Paris VIII
2, rue de la Liberte
93526 Saint-Denis Cedex 02
Paris 16 March, 1995
Dear Friends,
The "Mission Scientifique et Technique" of the French Ministry of
Research has just issued an unfavorable evaluation of the doctoral program of
the Center fro Research in Women's Studies of the University of Paris VIII. The
ministerial document asserts that the program "has no real scientific content"
and that "its faculty is ineffective" in attracting and training students. (70
postdoctoral scholars and 44 students from all over the world--22 in "Diplome
d'Etudes Approfondies" and the other 22 in the doctoral degree program--are
currently enrolled in the program).
The only doctoral program in Women's Studies in France (created in 1974),
comprising 20 regular faculty members (among whom Jacques Derrida [Philosophy],
Francine Demichel [Law and Government], Madeleine Reberioux [History],
Mireille-Calle Gruber, Gisele Mathieu-Castellani [French Literature], etc.) and
10 corresponding members from French provinces and countries other than France,
therefore risks being eliminated. We are asking you to show your support by
circulating and signing the enclosed petition (version 'a' or 'b') as soon as
possible. (Please indicate your status and academic discipline).
This letter can be edited by faculty members to say "I declare that my
students have participated. . .etc."
Thank you for your attention and support,
Very cordially
Helene Cixous, Chair
Centre de recherches en Etudes Feminines
Universite de Paris VIII
Please fax your signatures to :
or (Service de la Recherche Paris 8, Attn H. Cixous)
or (Theatre du Soleil, Attn H. Cixous)
or (Mara Negron, Attn H. Cixous)
a) I declare that I have participated/been enrolled at a certain moment of my
studies in research activities within the framework of the doctoral program in
Etudes Feminines.
This research program has played a pioneer role in placing issues of
women, sexuality and gender within intellectual discourse.
The epistemological, educational, and cultural impact of a field such as
Women's Studies, its major contribution to the disciplines of Social and Human
Sciences need not be demonstrated anymore.
I want to testify that the scientific training I received during my stay
at the Center for Women's Studies at Paris VIII was decisive in the development
of my research.
I declare that I have benefited form the research activities of the "Centre de
Recherches en Etudes Feminines" through its publications and holdings of
international conferences since its inception in 1974.
This research program has played a pioneer role in placing issues of
women, sexuality and gender within intellectual discourse.
The epistemological, educational, and cultural impact of a field such as
Women's Studies, its major contribution to the disciplines of Social and Human
Sciences need not be demonstrated anymore.
The scientific advances made available to me/that emanated from this
Center were decisive/played an important role in the development of my
I am greatly disturbed by the treat to this doctoral program, the only
one in France.'"