CFP, Deadline Jan. 2, 2009. AAIS, NYC May 7-10, 2009
Tue, 23 Dec 2008 09:36:21 -0500
The next annual convention of the American Association for Italian Studies
will be held in NYC, May 7-10, 2009. There will be a number of sessions
dedicated to the Italian Cinema. For more details please go to:
I am taking this opportunity to wish you all Happy Holidays and Happy 2009!
"Teaching filmmaking without being cognizant of fundamental cinematic
theories demeans film craft to the mere level of an amateur workshop. And
the opposite: studying film history and theory without a corresponding
experience in the elemental aspects of filmmaking leaves theoretical
research without a solid basis, forcing students to plunge into
abstraction."* From film pioneers such as Ricciotto Canudo to the modern
debates between Pasolini & Eco and beyond, Italian film theorists have
stimulated critical responses. This session seeks to explore the Italian
Cinema in light of critical reflection and/or film theory. Presenters
canestablish their own critical framework but papers drawing upon diverse
film theories (by Italian or nonItalian authors) as applied to Italian
films are particularly welcome. Approaches can include but are not limited
to: (neo)formalism, (neo)realism, historical poetics, (post)structuralism,
semiotics, cognitivism, theories of spectatorship, feminism, gender &
queer film theories, and most recent film scholarship.
* Lev Kuleshov quoted by Vlada Petric in "Relating Courses in Filmmaking
and Film Studies" University Film Study Center Newsletter 4, no. 5
(June 1974): 1. Please send a 200 words abstract by Jan. 2, 2009.
Organizer: Slavica Grujicic, University of Toronto
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