Studies in French Cinema Prizes and Bursaries
Tue, 5 Jul 2011 08:26:43 +0100
This is to remind colleagues of two different types of support offered by Studies in French Cinema: the Undergraduate Essay Prize and the Research Bursary. The latter was only recently announced, and we are extending the deadline to the 31 July.
Please note that although the Undergraduate Essay Prize is open only to students registered in the UK/Ireland, the Research Bursary is open to early-career colleagues working in French cinema globally.
Undergraduate Essay Prize
Friday 13 May 2011
The Association offers an annual prize for an undergraduate essay in English on any aspect of French or Francophone cinema. The prize consists of a cheque for £50, and free admission to the Studies in French Cinema annual conference in the year following the award. The deadline is 31st July each year.
Essays will be judged by a sub-committee formed from members of the Editorial and Advisory Board of Studies in French Cinema.
The conditions are as follows:
* Essays receiving less than a mark of 80 should not be submitted.
* The essay (written in English) must be at least 4000-6000 words long (notes and references included).
* It must have been written by an undergraduate student registered at the time of submission at an institution of higher education in the United Kingdom or Ireland.
* It must be submitted as an electronic file to the SFC office<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by the student's supervisor.
* The supervisor should state what mark was achieved, confirm the originality of the essay, and the date of its first submission.
* The file should not contain any assessor comments.
* The student's name and institution should not appear anywhere on the essay.
Research Bursary
Friday 13 May 2011
We offer two bursaries annually to support early-career researchers with the costs of illustrating their work. The conditions are as follows:
Amount. The bursaries will typically be £200-300.
Eligibility. They are for early-career researchers in a university post anywhere in the world, who are within five years of receiving their PhD, and who require funding to illustrate a monograph written in English or in French on any area of French or Francophone cinema. Journal articles are not eligible for funding.
Deadlines. There are two rounds, the deadlines being 1 January and 1 July. THIS YEAR THE DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 31 JULY.
Procedure. You should submit an application by email to the SFC office which gives details of the monograph, and of the illustrations required. You should attach the original proposal submitted to the publisher, a copy of your contract with the publisher, and evidence of the cost of illustrations either from the publisher or from the copyright holders.
Panel. The applications will be judged by the SFC Editorial Board, and a decision normally made within four weeks.
Acknowledgement. If you are awarded a bursary, you should acknowledge the support of SFC in the publication.
Deadlines: 1 January/31 July. Please remember to attach the publisher's proposal, the contract with the publisher, and evidence of cost.
Phil Powrie
Professor of Cinema Studies
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences
University of Surrey
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Executive Asst: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>/+44 (0)1483689445
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