DEFA Conference & Program
Sat, 20 Sep 1997 00:30:37 -0400
Hello, all. Attached is the program for a film conference called "The
Cinema of Eastern Germany: The View from North America," which will be
held at Smith College in Northampton, MA (USA) during the first week of
October. It will be the first North American conference on the films of
the former German Democratic Republic, DEFA (Deutsche Film
Aktiengesellschaft), and films on Eastern Germany since unification. Many
rare films will be screened at this conference. For more information,
contact Barton Byg <[log in to unmask]>.
--Marty Norden
Martin F. Norden
OO Dept. of Communication, Box 34815 [log in to unmask]
[_]<| University of Massachusetts-Amherst fax: 413 545-6399
/|\ Amherst, MA 01003-4815 USA tel: 413 545-0598, 545-1311
home page:
Informational Draft
The Cinema of Eastern Germany: The View From North America
October 2-5, 1997
Wednesday, October 1, 1997
6 pm Pre-conference screening
Herter 227 UMass
Die Moerder sind unter uns (The Murderers Are Among Us, Wolfgang Staudte,
1946, 88 minutes); Introduced by Ralf Schenk, Progress Film-Verlieh
7:30 pm
Spur der Steine (Traces of the Stones, Frank Beyer, 1966, 150 minutes);
Introduced by Director Frank Beyer
Die Schauspielerin (The Actress, Siegfried Kuhn, 1988, 87 minutes);
Introduced by Rudi Juerschik, Dramaturg
Other Events at Smith College (Except for last film screening on Sun., Oct. 5)
Thursday, October 2, 1997
4-7 pm Registration
Wright Hall, Smith College
7 pm Welcome and Introduction
Wright Hall Auditorium
Barton Byg, Director, DEFA Film Library
Ben Singer, Film Studies, Smith College
7:30 pm Opening Plenary
Wright Hall Auditorium
"A Harsh Metallic Voice: Modernism and Stalinism," Katie Trumpener,
University of Chicago
"From UFA to DEFA," David Bathrick, Cornell University
"The Documentary-Influenced DEFA Feature Film and its International
Siblings," Lothar Warneke, Film Director
9 pm Film Screenings
Wright Hall Auditorium
with Scriptwriter Wolfgang Kohlhaase
Berlin um die Ecke (Berlin Around the Corner, Gerhard Klein, 1965 82 minutes)
10:30 PM
Der Fall Gleiwitz (The Gleiwitz Case, Gerhard Klein, 1961, 70 minutes)
12 am Late Film Screening
Wright Hall Auditorium
Apachen (Apaches, Gottfried Kolditz, 1973, 94 minutes); Introduced by
Bernd Sahling, Independent Filmmaker (video projection)
Friday, October 3, 1997
8:30 am Registration
Browsing Room, Neilson Library
What was DEFA really?
9 am Panel 1
Browsing Room
Greeting by John Connoly, Dean of the Faculty, Smith College
Moderator: Willy Riemer, University of Delaware
"'Die Kunst braucht kein Feigenblatt:' Art and the Artist in Konrad
Wolf's Goya and Der nackte Mann auf dem Sportplatz," Seán Allan, University
of Reading, UK
"Defining DEFA's Historical Imaginary: The Films of Konrad Wolf," Thomas
Elsaesser and Michael Wedel, University of Amsterdam
"Amateur Films: Self-representation of the Family," Gertrud Koch,
Universität Ruhr/Bochum
10:30am Coffee Break
Browsing Room
What was DEFA really?
11 am Panel 2
Browsing Room
Moderator: Marty Norden, University of Massachusetts
"Hanns Eisler's Film Music for DEFA," Vera Stegmann, Lehigh University
"'We all love Paula, but Paul is who really counts' (H. Carow): How the
Socialist 'Mensch' is Constructed Through the Femininity of a Female
Worker," Irene Dölling, Universität Potsdam
"Censorship and Self-regulation: a DEFA Case Study," Stefan Soldovieri,
University of Wisconsin
12:30 pm Lunch Break
Wright Hall Lobby/Terrace
2 pm Panel: Document and Everyday Life
Browsing Room
"DEFA Nova: East German Youth and the Struggle of Everyday Life in Recent
Documentaries," Karen Ritzenhoff, Central Connecticut State University
"Lebensaelufe: The Children of Golzow Project," Nora Alter, University of
3 pm Plenary Workshop: International Connections/
Browsing Room
Institutional Realities
Moderator: Eric Rentschler, University of California,
Rudi Juerschik, Former DEFA Studio Head
Sabine Hake, University of Pittsburgh
Rick McCormick, University of Minnesota
Daniela Berghahn, Oxford Brookes University, UK
4:30-6 pm Film Screenings
Der Aufetthalt (Turning Point, Frank Beyer, 1982, 102 min.); Introduced
by Director Frank Beyer and Scriptwriter Wolfgang Kohlhaase
6 pm Banquet Buffet--by prior registration
Smith College Club
Die Legende von Paul und Paula (The Legend of Paul and Paula, Heiner
Carow, 1973, 106 mins.); Introduced by Rudi Juerschik, Former DEFA Studio
(the movie will also be available for video
viewing and will be repeated at 10 pm on Saturday!)
8 pm Film Screenings
Sweeney Concert Hall
Sage Hall
… oeönigskinder (Star-Crossed Lovers, Beyer, 1962, 89 minutes); Introduced
by Director Frank Beyer
10 pm Film Screening
Sweeney Concert Hall
Sage Hall
Die Beunruhigung (Apprehension, Lothar Warneke, 1981, 100 minutes);
Introduced by Director Lothar Warneke
Saturday, October 4, 1997
8:30 Coffee/Tea
Wright Hall Lobby
9 am Panel: DEFA and "Otherness"
Wright Hall Lobby
Moderator: Thomas Fox, University of Alabama
"The Image of the Jew in DEFA Films," Thomas Jung, University of Oslo
"DEFA and Its Others: Heiner Carow's Coming Out Comes Out for 'Others,'"
Denis Sweet, Bates College
"Between Karl May and Karl Marx: The DEFA Indianerfilme (1965-1983),"
Gerd Gemünden, Dartmouth College
10:30 Coffee Break
11 am Panel: Gender in DEFA
Neilson Browsing Room
Moderator: Ingeborg Majer-O'Sickey, SUNY Binghamton
"Die Legende von Paul und Paula-The Eternally Feminine of the Anarchy of
Lust?" Andrea Rinke, Kingston University, UK
"Subverting the Political: DEFA and the Representations of Gender in Die
Beunruhigung," Ute Lischke McNab, University of Toronto
"Women in the Films of Helke Misselwitz," Margrit Frölich, University of
12:30 Lunch Break
Wright Hall Lobby/Terrace
2 pm Plenary Workshop: "Reconsidering the 50s"
Browsing Room
Response to the Day plus Video Clips of "Non-canonical" Films
Moderator: Marc Silberman, University of Wisconsin
Joshua Feinstein, Emory University
Jennifer Good, University of Massachusetts
Sylvia Koetzer, Universitqet Potsdam
Stefan Soldovieri, University of Wisconsin
4 pm Film Screenings
Sweeney Concert Hall
Professor Mamlock (Konrad Wolf, 1961, 100minutes); Introduced by Wolfgang
6 pm
Die Fluch (with Armin Mueller-Stahl), (Roland Gräf, 1978); Introduced
by Rudi Juerschik
8 pm
…Das Luftschiff (Simon, 1983, 100 minutes); Introduced by Director Rainer Simon
10 pm-1 a.m. Party
Smith Club, SC
10 pm
Die Legende von Paul und Paula
Sunday, October 5, 1997
8:30 am Coffee/Tea
Wright Hall Auditorium
9 am Panel: DEFA Today and Tomorrow: Cultural Influence and
Wright Hall Auditorium Critical Contexts
"Contemporary Reception of DEFA films," Barbel Dalichow, Filmmuseum Potsdam
"Teaching the DEFA Film," John Sandford, Reading University, UK
10 am Coffee
Wright Hall
10:30 am Closing Plenary
Neilson Browsing Room
Introduction: Gabriele Wittig Davis, Mount Holyoke College
Moderator: Anton Kaes, University of California, Berkeley
Leonie Naughton, Monash University, Melbourne
Patricia Herminghouse, University of Rochester
Wolfgang Klaue, Film Archivist
Wolfgang Kohlhaase, Scriptwriter
Rudi Juerschik, Dramaturg
Lothar Warneke, Director
Rainer Simon, Director
Bernd Sahling, Independent Filmmaker
Ingrid Scheib-Rothbart, New York consultant
12:30 - 3 pm Lunch break
3 pm Concluding Screening with Bernd Sahling
Pleasant Street Theater, Northampton
Jana und Jan (Helmut Dziuba, 87 minutes, 1992, B. Sahling,
assistant director)
DEFA Film Library
German Department
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: 413-545-6671
Fax: 413-545-6995
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.