Now (and Again): Re-enactment and the Moving Image -- symposium
Sat, 31 Mar 2007 09:08:29 +0100
Symposium: "Now (and Again): Re-enactment and the Moving Image"
Location: BFI Southbank
Date: 27th-28th April 2007
The Centre for Research in Film and Audiovisual Cultures at Roehampton University is pleased to announce a forthcoming symposium, "Now (and Again): Re-enactment and the Moving Image", to be held at the new BFI Southbank venue (formerly the National Film Theatre, London) on the 27th-28th April 2007.
Recent years have seen a remarkable turn to re-enactment in contemporary art practice. This has often been marked by a documentary impulse, a vivid sense of the histories, forms and techniques of cinema as a resource for art works outside traditional cinematic frames (in galleries, social and electronic networks, and live performances), an interest in social science methodologies, and a critically animated historical imagination in live art. The aim of this symposium is to investigate the variety of manifestations and applications of re-enactment as a creative and critical strategy within contemporary moving image culture.
Speakers include filmmakers, artists, curators, and critics: Sarah Cook (curator), Jeremy Deller (artist), Rod Dickinson (artist), Vivienne Gaskin (curator), Alisa Lebow (Brunel University), Michele Pierson (Kings College London), Nina Pope (artist), Steve Rushton (writer), Amie Siegel (artist), Paul Sutton (Roehampton University), and Penny Woolcock (filmmaker). The event will also include numerous screenings.
For full details of the symposium, visit:
The symposium forms part of the "After the Fact: Re-enactments" season of screenings and events taking place in the cinemas, studio and gallery at BFI Southbank throughout March and April. For full details of the season, and to book tickets for all events and screenings (including the symposium), call the box office on +44-(0)20-7928-3232 or visit: <>
"Now (and Again)" is a collaborative venture between the Centre for Research in Film and Audiovisual Cultures at Roehampton University, BFI Southbank, and unReal. unReal is a resource for important historical and contemporary nonfiction and artists' film. For further details, visit: <>
Dr Michael Witt
Reader in Film Studies
Co-Director, Centre for Research in Film and Audiovisual Cultures
School of Arts
Roehampton University
London SW15 5PH, UK
t: +44(0)20-8392-3274
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