Re: Burton Holmes Films
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 15:15:45 EST
On Sun, 3 Dec 1995 23:29:07 -0600 Rolf W Brandis said:
>>I am trying to find information on this small studio. All I know is that
>>they made documentaries, industrials, and government films during the
>>thirties and forties and had a (branch?) office in Chicago. Anyone with
>>info on Burton Holmes Films, about three minesweeping films they did in the
>>forties, or about how to find out about whether they had an LA office ?
>>Gene Walz, Film Studies, University of Manitoba
>>I believe it was Wilding Films, which was producing these films out of
>Chicago. They had an L.A. office. The company closed up shop in the late
>sixties. Anyone have any other ideas?
>R. Brandis
My vague memory has it that the American Archives of Factual Film may have
material on Burton Holmes. The archive is online as described below
Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
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SCREENsite -- A Film/TV-studies site on the World Wide Web
(February 1995)
The catalog of the American Archives of the Factual Film
(AAFF) is now available as a separate database in the Iowa State
University Library's online system, SCHOLAR. Films in the AAFF
database are cataloged using the MARC format, an international
standard for research materials in libraries. Approximately 800
of the 12,000 records are fully catalogued, with film summaries
and full credits. The others are shorter records containing
information about the films.
If you have questions about the AAFF or its online catalog,
e-mail Glenn McMullen <[log in to unmask]>
To get into the AAFF database on the Internet:
1) At your system prompt for Telnet, type the following command
telnet [press <enter>]
2) From the menu of choices, type local [press <enter>]
3) From the next menu, type aaff [press <enter>]
4) To get more information on search strategies, press <enter>.
To get more information on the AAFF catalog, type news
[press <enter>].
5) To get out of the catalog at any time type stop at the
command prompt [press <enter>].
Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
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