CFP: Velvet Light Trap DVD Issue
Sat, 5 Jun 2004 08:02:01 -0500
Subject Line: CFP: Velvet Light Trap DVD Issue
The Velvet Light Trap
A Critical Journal of Film & Television
Issue 56, Fall 2005
Issue Theme: DVDs
Less than a decade after their entry into the market, the impact of
DVDs has already become visible in media production strategies, legal
and economic policy, marketing and distribution, exhibition
environments, and audience reception habits. Decisions on style and
content during shooting of film and television programs increasingly
consider possibilities for cross-media consumption. Short forms such
as making-of documentaries and other ³bonus features² have
proliferated. Direct to consumer sales have created lucrative markets
for otherwise marginal films and television programs and have affected
habits of consumption. The home viewing environment opens possibilities
for interfaces with other entertainment technologies.
The Velvet Light Trap invites papers exploring issues surrounding DVD
technology as part of audiovisual culture and practice. In addition to
papers focusing on technology, we seek papers that examine DVDs in
relation to questions of aesthetics, narrative construction, genre,
production, promotion/distribution, exhibition, and
reception--including issues of economic consumption and cultural
use--from local, national, or global perspectives.
For more information and submission guidelines, contact Eija Niskanen
([log in to unmask], 608-456-5998), Shawn VanCour ([log in to unmask]),
or Jacquelyn Vinson ([log in to unmask], 608-263-3997).
Jacquelyn Vinson
University of Wisconsin
Department of Communication Arts
Media & Cultural Studies -- Vilas Hall, Room 6067
821 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53705
'Les hommes, n'ayant pas pu guerir la mort, la misere, l'ignorance, ils se
sont avises, pour se rendre heureux, de n'y point penser' (Men, not having
been able to put an end to death, to misery, to ignorance, have decided, in
order to be happy, to not think of these things) -Blaise Pascal, 17th C.
French philosopher
'Mmmm.....Beeeer.....' -Homer Simpson, Local Boob
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