Mon, 5 Jun 1995 21:58:35 -0300
Hello to everybody. My name is Damian and I'm studing T.V.
production and direction in Argentina. I'm working on a video wich
subject is "The cyberculture or the new ways of comunication"
(satellites, computer nets, interactive T.V., Etc.), and how changes the
society because of them.
For example, a few years ago, it was a theme of discussion if the
children must spend 10 or 15 hours a day watching T.V. Today, we discuss
if they must spend his time in front of the computer or the video game
A lot of things have changed, and a lot of things will change in the
future. Please if you have some information of the news ways of
comunication or an opinion about how does the society changes (or will
change) because of them, post me to my e-mail as soon as possible.
Marcos Damian Kitaigrodsky
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