To Scott Furtwengler Re: mental disability
Mon, 30 Oct 1995 19:34:14 -0500
I am posting this publicly to engender discussion.
A 1982 film by Canadian Peter Mettler called "Scissere" was made after
Mettler spent a year visiting a heroine rehabilitation center in Switzerland
where he hoped to make a movie. He met a patient (named Scissere). The film
is not about him, but dedicated to him. The film tries to *express* a vision
of insanity, without being a point-of-view film. For this reason it is
classified as an experimental narrative. It was once projected in an insane
asylum to a small number of viewers who laughed at odd moments or who faced
the projector instead of the screen. You can see this film by contacting
Grimthorpe film, 91 Brunswick Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2LB. Tel 416 923
4206. Fax 416 923 4043.
-Pip Chodorov
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