Scythes in men
Tue, 10 Jan 1995 10:24:56 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I'm doing research on film violence, censorship and the debate on 'harmful'
effects of screen and video violce in Sweden. The first Swedish moral panic
about video was initiated when a TV show screened scenes of 'meaningless,
extreme violence' back in 1980. Needless to say, the scenes shown seemed quite
meaningless, since they'd just picked the most violent sequnces they could find
and showed them completely out of context. The result - increased censorship. In
this programme a sequence with a middle-aged man stumbling around with a scythe
through the neck was shown. I haven't been able to identify the film. Does
anyone hav a clue?
Ulf Dalquist Phone: +46 46 104266
Dept. of Sociology Fax: +46 46 104794
Box 114 221 00 Lund SWEDEN E-mail: [log in to unmask]