In Media Res - Call for Proposals for Fan Tourism Theme Week
Mon, 6 Feb 2017 17:27:19 +0000
In Media Res has extended its call for proposals on the subject of fan tourism. The new deadline is February 20th. Here's the link:
Proposals may be brief (one paragraph), but do be sure to describe the topic and key question(s) to be explored. Please submit your proposal by February 20th. If interested, please contact In Media Res ([log in to unmask]) with topic proposals or for more information about the theme. Be sure to include the name of the theme week you would like to be involved with in the subject line of the email.
Academics, journalists, critics, media professionals and fans are all welcome to submit proposals.
The actual piece will include either a 30-second to 3-minute clip, an image, or a slideshow that will be accompanied by a 300 to 350 word response to/contextualization of your clip, image, or slideshow. In addition to your piece, you will be expected to engage the other pieces presented that week to encourage discussion and further flesh out the individual topic in relation to the week’s theme.
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