Re: QUERY: Films Dealing with classism
Tue, 6 Dec 1994 22:05:15 -0600
>Don Larson wrote:
>>Arthur mentions British films as being more attuned to class issues. There's
>>a new British film that won't get (comparatively) wide release until the
>>new year by Ken Loach about a woman who keeps having children, while the
>>state keeps taking them away. Siskel and Ebert touted it highly last weekend,
>>but I'm afraid the title escapes me.
>I might be mistaken, but I think it's called LADYBIRD, LADYBIRD.
It is, and it is also a very good film, with rancor against conditions
(well balanced) and Thatcherism, like so many other British movies which
seem to have taken over the torch from the earlier Angry Young Men.