Two Queries and a Response
Mon, 31 Jul 1995 10:25:34 -0500
I'm preparing a class with the amorphous and inaccurate title of "World
Cinema Survey" (sophomore level, mostly non-film majors). Within the
module devoted to "Popular Cinema beyond Hollywood," one of the movies
I'm planning to use is La Femme Nikita. Anyway, I'm going bonkers
looking for "serious" written analyses of that film and Luc Besson,
primarily in relation to 1) gender politics, and/or 2) considerations of
the film in relation to Mitterand-era French politics and social issues.
I swear I've come across essays on Nikita, but I've got a mind like a
steel sieve these days. Can anyone jog my memory?
Another film I'm planning to use is Bhaji at the Beach, but I can't seem
to locate it on 16mm (preferred) or video. Does anyone know if this film
has a 16mm distributor, or if it is available on video (it's not in the
most recent Facets catalog)?
Thanks for your help.
I've apparently dispersed the electrons of the post in which someone was
looking for a video copy of All That Heaven Allows. If you haven't dug
one up yet, I have one that you're welcome to--mediocre quality, but good
enough for study purposes. Contact me if interested.
Steve Fore
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