Primetime Animation
Mon, 14 Mar 2011 15:24:45 +0000
This week’s In Media Res theme is Primetime Animation (March 14-18).
Here's the line-up:
Monday March 14, 2011: Lauren Bratslavsky (University of Oregon) presents: In Defense of the Crude: Why Bob’s Burgers Beats Out the Rest
Tuesday March 15, 2011: Gladys Santiago (New York University) presents: Artful Mockers: Brand Parodies Amplified Through Animation
Wednesday March 16, 2011: Benjamin Thevenin (University of Colorado, Boulder) presents: "All Your Subversion Are Belong to Culture Industry: (That Means You Too, Banksy!)”
Thursday March 17, 2011: Steve Pustay (Georgia State University) presents: The Paranoid Power Fantasies of Superjail!
Friday March 18, 2011: Carol Stabile (University of Oregon) presents: TBA
Theme week organized by Collin Coleman (Georgia State University).
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