Re: Paris 1968
Sat, 7 Sep 1996 10:59:35 -0400
> A colleague is teaching a course with a couple of readings on the Paris
> uprisings of 1968. She wants to know if there are any films that deal with
> this historical moment. I can't think of any. Are there any encyclopedists
> and/or specialists on the list who can?
To the Godard titles Jeremy mentioned, I would like to add
*Cinetracts,* unedited shorts that Godard filmed in the streets of Paris
as the uprising were happening--the ultimate Neorealist project!
As for readings, let me recommend Yosefa Loshintsky (sp?)'s *The
Radical Faces of Godard&Bertolucci.* As for Bertolucci himself:
*Partner* (1968), his most Godardian film--as well as the film that made
him suffer the most (in his own words, quoted in Kolker's biography of
the director). One more suggestion: Pasolini's *Porcile* (1969?)
Gloria Monti
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