Berlin Wall in Film
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 17:26:04 -0500
There is a class concentrating on the Berlin Wall and the Cold War. Can
you help with feature films and documentaries which have images of the air
lift, check point Charlie, Brandenburg Gate, Post WWII Berlin, and pulling
down the wall.
We've ID the following: Funeral in Berlin, Living Daylights, Octopussy,
Smiley's People, Third Man, A Foreign Affair, Something to Do with the
Wall, Russia House, Spy who came in from the cold, and Escape from East
Thanks for any help with this!
Nell J. Chenault [log in to unmask]
Cabell Media Resource Services
University Library Services
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA 23284-2033 (804) 828-1088 FAX: 828-7473
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