----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> In a recent discussion on the merrits of _Pulp Fiction_ a friend refused to
> recognize any experience of guilt at enjoying and even reveling in the violent
> episodes and yet admitted guilt about laughing at the racial slurs. He then
> went on to accuse me of being hypersensitive and unable to properly
> make a distinction between reality and fantasy and said that it was o.k. to
> feel guilt for having pity for Ralf Fiennes'(sp?) character in _Schindler's
> list_ because it was based on a true story. Does this strike anyone else
> as odd and perhaps even a wrong (or at least a restrictive) way to view cinema
> or am I the odd duck in the mix? Is guilt commonly experienced by others
> through anti-hero identification? I've always contended that for one reason
> or another that was the point of such flicks-- to jar you emotionally.
Nah, I don't think you're an odd duck, but unfortunately most of the
people on the list have been swallowed in the hype-pool surrounding QT
and PF and it seems that thery're just plain too excited to feel guilty.