Mon, 10 Apr 2023 18:37:25 -0500
Call for Papers
UFVA Conference 2023
Georgia Southern University
Savannah, Georgia
July 19-21, 2023
The University Film and Video Association is now accepting proposals for individual papers and pre-constituted panels for the UFVA Conference 2023, to be held at Georgia Southern University's Armstrong campus in Savannah, Georgia from July 19 - 21, 2023.
Deadline for submissions is April 14 at 11:59pm EST.
Founded in 1947, the University Film and Video Association (UFVA) one of the premier academic organizations dedicated to the study of media. UFVA is an international organization where media production and writing meet history, theory and criticism. UFVA members are image-makers and artists, teachers and students, archivists and distributors, college departments, libraries, and manufacturers. UFVA holds an annual conference and publishes the Journal of Film and Video, featuring articles on media production, history, theory, aesthetics and criticism.
You may submit an individual paper or a pre-constituted panel composed of four (4) presentations/ papers. You must be a current UFVA member to submit work and present it at the conference. Submissions to the 2023 Conference will be eligible for a UFVA Paper Award, which will be granted in 2024.
UFVA welcomes a wide range of proposals that study film, television, video, media, audio, new media. Topics in preservation, pedagogy and cultural, historical and social contexts are welcome. UFVA embraces diversity and inclusion as foundational to the future of our discipline and encourages submission of a wide range of work that interrogates and celebrates the creative and interdisciplinary potential of our field.
Proposal Guidelines
(Be prepared to use online template at:
Brief Description 400 characters or less
Full Abstract 2500 characters or less
A minimum of three citations (maximum 5)
Biographical info
Submission Deadline: April 14, 2023
Notification: May 31, 2023
Conference Dates: July 14 (Virtual)
July 19-21 (In-person)
This is a juried process. Complete information about conference submissions and joining UFVA can be found at the UFVA website:
Conference VP: Marc May, Towson University
For more information, email [log in to unmask]
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