sight & sound
Sat, 18 May 91 10:17:21 CST
i just wanted to alert all you screeneller's to the new and perhaps im-
proved sight & sound mag, which is the result of s&s's merger with the bfi's
monthly film bulletin. it look very well produced, it's chock-full of arti-
cles and reviews, and it's got a pretty cynical brit tone to it. for those
of you flogging SOTL to death, there's even an article about "[T]he marauding
men who haunt serial killer movies terriffy. Amy Taubin wants to know what
these films mean and why we like them."
S&S's address is 1671 East 16th St., Suite 176, Brooklyn, NY 11229-2901,
and the phone is (718) 646-8397. check it out.
(&, speaking of sotl, has anyone seen ANY interview at all with ted levine,
the guy who plays "buffalo bill?" clue me in, o.k.?) and would some kind soul
forward this message to cinema-l@auvm for me? thanks.
larry schwartz,
theatre/film librarian, southern meth u, dallas(?), texas(!)
where it's legal to carry a concealed weapon into a bank,
but not onto the grounds of the state capitol. yee-haw.