Re: info on obtaining illustrations to accompany an article
Wed, 29 Jul 1992 13:14:23 EDT
On Mon, 27 Jul 1992 23:03:00 EDT Brian H. Sealy writing for Harriet Margolis
>How does one go about obtaining permission to reproduce images
>from a film for the purpose of illustrating an academic article?
>For that matter, how does one go about reproducing the images?
As with all other permissions one makes arrangements with the coyright
owner, typically the studio. They have in the past not been anxious to
permit frame enlargements since they have had a profitable sideline
selling production stills which are technically superior to frame
enlargements but relatively useless for serious analysis.
There was a discussion on this list and earlier at the Society for Cinema
Studies spring meeting on this issue. The judgments are mixed. One view
holds that permissions are not necessary since frame reproductions would be
covered by the "fair use" provisions of the copyright law. Another view
(advocated by me) is that this is a legally tricky position to take, unless
one is willing to expose oneself to legal actions. (Maybe Jeremy has better
memory or records of these posts for you to access.)
>Is it possible to make a still photo from a video image or is
>there some commercial source for such things that simplifies life
>without costing a fortune?
It is possible to capture a still image from the video screen. It's been
a while since I've done it so I can't give you technical details; but it is
do-able. As I remember I used a camera with a built-in exposure meter and
set the shutter to 1/25th of a second.
There also used to be available an attachment for a camera which facilitated
copying of selected single frames from 16mm prints. Again, it's been a
while . . . . Try photo shops to see if they are still available.
Yes, there are commercial studios that will copy anything, but as you infer
they are likely to be more expensive than most of us can afford.
In sum: frame enlargements are not difficult to obtain. The permissions
issue is more serious, though.
Dept of Radio-Television-Film <[log in to unmask]>
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122