New e-mail service for central and east Euro film
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 23:14:42 -0800
Dear cinephiles,
I thought you might like to know that Kinoeye, the fortnightly internet
journal of film in the new Europe (, now offers a
free e-mail update service, delivering the contents and brief abstracts of
articles to your intray as new issues go online. All articles are available
online for free.
To subscribe, simply send a blank e-mail to
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You'll also need to reply to a confirmation mail.
In case you don't know the journal, recent articles in Kinoeye include:
Articles on:
Aleksandr Sokurov, Bela Tarr, Roman Polanski, Jan Lenica and Jan Sverak
Interviews with:
Jan Svankmajer (plus extracts from Svankmajer's diary), Danis Tanovic, Artur
Aristakisian, Ibolya Fekete, Zelimir Zilnik, Miroslav Ondricek, Juraj Herz
and Jerzy Kawalerowicz
Festival reports from:
Karlovy Vary, Bitola, Split, Thessaloniki, Bratislava and the 1st European
Psychoanalytic Film Festival
And book and video reviews and a regular horror column
As well as welcoming people signing up for e-mail update list, Kinoeye would
also like to hear from potential contributors. Reviews, articles,
interviews, overviews, reprints, translations and other thought-pieces are
If you have any queries, please contact me at [log in to unmask]
I hope you enjoy our coverage.
Best regards
Andrew James Horton
Editor-in-Chief, Kinoeye,
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