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September 1996, Week 4


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Bjorn Aas <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 22 Sep 1996 12:48:42 +0200
text/plain (32 lines)
At 11:15 29.08.96 EDT, Mark Langer wrote:
>$150 for a multisystem video converter?  Could you share with us the
>source of this bargain?  Has anyone on SCREEN-L used this?  I'd like to
>get some information on the quality of conversion obtained.
For that price you could get a box making it possible to view video accross
the TV system barriers. In fact, one such sits in our dual system laser-disk
player! But sorry, "there is no such thing as a free lunch". When it
converts from NTSC to PAL, it only rudely snips some fields every second,
and leaves 100 black lines at the bottom of the screen. Nothing ever in the
way of motion compensation like the converters used in Atlanta during the
Olympics. You can't expect the same performance from a $150 box as from a
$150 000 box!
The good news though, is that more moderately priced video players, monitors
and entry-level computerized editing systems does the job for viewing
purposes. As for recording, the only low priced solution has been the
mulitstandard Panasonic machine, priced at $2,500 - $3,000. But, alas,
Panasonic is discontinuing the production of this machine. So if any of you
have something left of this years spendings, run off to get the last ones
from the shops. I wish I had .... (Sigh).
Bjorn Aas, TV-lecturer, Danvik Folkehogskole, N-3046 Drammen, Norway
             (Danvik School of Media and Communication)
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