This is the first announcement of The Style Conference. Please forward the
cfp to anyone you think might be interested & post to other relevant lists.
Thanks, Laura
THE STYLE CONFERENCE, to be held July 25-28, 1997 in Bowling Green, Ohio,
will bring together people working in feminist and cultural studies,
postmodernist and queer theory, design, media, and other fields around the
new work being done on style. We hope to provide a unique interdisciplinary
forum that will also incorporate the major critiques of that work. Our
notion of it is primarily bodily and performative, but we invite as wide a
variety of material, cultural, and discursive experiences as possible around
the theme of Theorizing Style: Pleasures & Dangers. Potential topic areas
include: performing style, age & generation, styling desire,
fashion/fun/guilt, academic style, queer looks, bodily parameters, designs
for living, virtual style, appropriation/exploitation/commodification.
Proposals welcomed in any format: individual papers, preconstituted sessions,
workshops, roundtables, film & video, performance, multimedia presentations,
etc. Deadline for 250-word proposals: December 1, 1996. For more
information: Laura Stempel Mumford, <[log in to unmask]>, (608) 238-3612; or
Ellen E. Berry,
<[log in to unmask]>, (419) 372-2620.
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