A New Film CD-ROM Database!
Mon, 14 Nov 1994 22:19:01 CST
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So I write today to tell you of a wonderful find. I recieved the
"MOTION PICTURE GUIDE" CD-ROM this morning and am really pleased.
It's got everything (I swear) from 1927-1993. It's based on a twenty
volume film refence work. Each of the 35,000 films has extensive
cast and crew, and a short to massive synopsis. Lots of trivia,
all kinds of info. The interface is a little clunky and the copying
commands are weird, there's no pictures and sound, but loads of
information. It blows MICROSOFT CINEMANIA out of the water and if
you've wondered what to use you CD-ROM for, this may be it :-)
One disk works on MAC and PC and it takes up about 1meg of hard
disk space.
And since I'm such a nice guy and want to support this product,
I'll post information on whatever obscure movie you'd like to
find out about. Understand, TV movies aren't listed, and I'm sure
if you try, you'll be able to stump the guide, but hey, it's still
pretty cool.
Anyone been dying for a resume of their favorite writer, makeup artist
or set decorator?