Steve Reeves in Italy
Fri, 21 Apr 1995 15:46:35 CDT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
From: Tony Williams
Le Fatiche di Ercole (Hercules) 1957; Ercole e la Regina di Lidia (Hercules
Unchained), Agi Murad -Il Diavolo bianco (The White Warrior) 1959; Gli Ultimi
Giorni di Pompeii (The Last Days of Pompeii) 1959; La Battaglia di Maratona
(The Giant of Marathon) 1959; Il Terrore dei Barbari (Goliath and the
Barbarians) 1959; Morgan Il Pirata (Morgan the Pirate) 1960; Il Ladro di
Bagdad (The Thief of Baghdad) 1961; La Guerra di Troa (The Trojan Horse)
(1961); Romolo e Remo (Duel of the Titans) 1961; Il Figlio di Spartacus
(The Slave) (1962); La Leggenda di Enea (The Avenger) 1962; Sandokan
(Sandokan The Great) 1964; Vivo per la tua Morte (A Long Ride from Hell)
There may be others.
Possible sources - Dave Sanjek, Literature/ Film Quarterly Newsletter
Catalogo Bolaffi del Cinema Italiano, Bianco e Nero Books (Centro
Sperimentale di Cinematografica), Vol I (1956-1965); Vol. II (1966-1975)
William Connolly, Editor, Spaghetti Cinema, 6635 DeLongPre #4, Hollywood,
CA 90028.
Craig Ledbetter, E.T.C. (European Trash Cinema), P.0. Box 5367, Kingwood,
Texas 77325.
Tim Lucas, Video Watchdog, P.0. Box 5283, Cincinnati, Ohio 45205-0283.
Unitalia Yearbooks (Italian Cinema Release Manuals), Associazone nazionale
industrie cinematografiche ed affini, Roma, 1961-1977.
Michael Weldon, Psychotronic Encyclopaedia of Films, Ballantine Books, New
York 1983.
Most of these people may have the original Italian posters and/or
pressbooks and would willingly furnish copies once they know the reason.
Good Luck,
Tony Williams