FILM & HISTORY on Oliver Stone (2) Vol 28.3-4 Now at printer...Please post
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An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies
Volume 28, Numbers 3-4 (1998)
Table of Contents
The Editor's Reflections and Reports. Peter C. Rollins 1
Special Editor's Introduction. Robert Brent Toplin 4
Oliver Stone as Cinematic Historian, Part II
New Left, Revisionist, In-Your-Face History: Oliver Stone's Born on the Fourth
of July Experience. Jack E. Davis 6
Oliver Stone's Salvador (1986): Revolution for the Unacquainted.
Dale T. Graden and James W. Martin 18
Way Cooler than Manson: Natural Born Killers (1994).
David T. Courtwright 28
Jim Morrison, Oliver Stone, and the Quest for the Sixties.
Barbara L. Tischler 38
Eisenstein Anniversary Essay (1898-1998)
Remembering Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein, 1898-1998: Wagnerian Opera in
Stalin's Diplomacy. R. C. Raack 48
An Encomium to Richard Raack, Historian-Filmmaker.
Peter C. Rollins 57
Saving Private Ryan Discussion
Realism, Genre, and Saving Private Ryan.
Phil Landon 58
Make You Look: Towards a Critical Evaluation of Steven Spielberg's Saving
Private Ryan. Laurent Ditmann 64
An Internet Discussion of Saving Private Ryan.
Opinions from H-PCAACA 72
Film Reviews
Agnes Merlet. Artemisia (1998). John C. Tibbetts 82
Alamance. Lue Simopoulos. Craig Thompson Friend 84
Olympia (1997). Bob Byington. Beatriz Badikian 86
Book Reviews
Don Kunz, Editor. The Films of Oliver Stone.
Robert Fyne 92
Isabel Cristina Pinedo. Recreational Terror: Women and the Pleasures of Horror
Film Viewing. Suzanne Broderick 93
Bernard Dick. City of Dreams: The Making and Remaking of Universal Pictures.
Wallace Bullock 94
Karl E. Cohen. Forbidden Animation: Censored Cartoons and Blacklisted
in America. Michael Yates 95
Stanley Corkin. Realism and the Birth of the Modern United States: Cinema,
Literature, and Culture. Michael J. Strada 96
Donald Crafton. The Talkies: American Cinema's Transition to Sound, 1926-1931
(History of the American Cinema, 4). John C. Tibbetts 97
Paul M. Edwards. A Guide to Films on the Korean War.
Robert Fyne 98
Peter C. Rollins and John E. 0' Conner, Editors. Hollywood's Indian:
The Portrayal of the Native American in Film. Marshall W. Fishwick 99
Melissa E. Biggs. French Films, 1945-1993:
A Critical Filmography of the 400 Most Important Releases.
Laurent Ditmann 100
Patrick McGilligan. Fritz Lang: The Nature of the Beast.
Peter Rollberg 101
Leslie Midkiff DeBauche. Reel Patriotism: The Movies and World War I.
Peter C. Rollins and John E. O'Connor. Hollywood's World War I: Motion Picture
Images. Robert W. Matson 102
Panivong Norindr. Phantasmatic Indochina: French Colonial Ideology in
Architecture, Film, and Literature. Laurent Ditmann 103
Eileen Whitfield. Pickford: The Woman Who Made Hollywood. University Elizabeth
Abele 104
Thomas Schatz. Boom and Bust: The American Cinema in the 1940s
(History of the American Cinema, 6). Robert Fyne 105
McGilligan, Patrick and Paul Buhle. Tender Comrades:
A Backstory of the Hollywood Blacklist.
Bernard Weinstein 106
James E. Wise Jr. and Anne Collier. Stars in Blue: Movie Actors in America's
Services. David Wilt 107
International Liaison
Cambridge Colloquium. Richard Howells, Europe
Film and History in Scandanavia. Hannu Salmi, Scandinavia
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