Re: American dominance in film
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 10:47:49 +1000
I don't know that I'd advance this as _the_ reason for US cinema's
influence in Australia, but distribution is obviously a factor. The
relationship between large cinema chains and large distributors here is
pretty cosy; it can be very difficult for smaller distributors to get a
hearing, or for independent cinemas to get the films that they want
without committing themselves to ridiculously long seasons.
I'm curious about the effect of the "discovery" of Australian
directors/actors and their subsequent moves O.S. on the Australian
industry--given that their O.S. productions (and I'm thinking in
particular of PJ Hogan's "My Best Friend's Wedding" as a recent example)
are sometimes promoted as quasi-Australian product.
Helen Kay.
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.