Re: dubbing
Fri, 27 Dec 1996 20:33:30 +0100
Just a small observation to drop into the dubbing discussion (I
didn't follow all of it, so this might be mentioned before).
Recently I saw 'Surviving Picasso' and it took a while before I
got used to the English speaking Anthony Hopkins impersonating
the Spanish/French painter Picasso. Actually, I thought it quite
odd that this seriously concieved portrait, in wich actual
persons, places and events are important, was shot in the English
It should have been in Spanish and French of course. But as it is
now, it might offer some interesting material for the dubbing
discussion. As was mentioned several times, we should evaluate
this technique from good quality examples. Well, 'Surviving
Picasso' could be considered as the ultimate perfection in
English dubbing from an hypothetical Spanish/French original.
Still not satisfying (for me).
Leo Bankersen
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