Fwd: Call for Phd Application at the University of Macau (2011-2012)
Wed, 29 Dec 2010 07:21:04 -0600
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From: <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 11:32 PM
Subject: Call for Phd Application at the University of Macau (2011-2012)
Please help circulate (Sorry for the cross-posting)
*Research Studentships in Communication *
*at *
*The University of Macau, Macau SAR*
The University of Macau, the most premier university in Macau SAR, China,
has identified the interdisciplinary field of “*Film, TV and New Media;
Trans-media Communication; ‘Mediatization’,” *to be offered by the
Department of Communication,* *Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, as
one of the significant doctoral research areas for the upcoming academic
year 2011/2012.
Subject to the university’s final approval, successful applicants may be
awarded a UM postgraduate studentship for one year, renewable for a maximum
of two years. The studentship typically includes tuition fee exemption and a
monthly stipend of MOP 9,500. Renewal is conditional to satisfactory
performance. (Approximate exchange rate: MOP100=US$12.90)
A studentship holder is required to take up ancillary duties in teaching and
research work of the academic unit to which they belong, up to a maximum of
18 working hours per week.
Application period: 1st December 2010 to 31st January 2011.
Full information on admission criteria, application procedures, and
regulations governing postgraduate studentships, including the identified
doctoral research areas, is available at the “Admissions” link in *
www.umac.mo* <http://www.umac.mo>.
Interested applicants may direct their preliminary inquiries to Prof. Tan
See Kam at *[log in to unmask]* <[log in to unmask]>.
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